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BIM - IFC import and export
The future of cooperation in construction

BIM (Building Information Modeling) is the contemporary working method for planning and implementation of building projects. Exchange of BIM-models (format IFC) between all parties will become mandatory in public projects sooner or later. This process is already advanced farther in other countries.

The essential data model for exchange between different software applications is IFC. Therefore, this interface has been expanded comprehensively in Dietrich's and optimised to your current and future needs.

The import of an IFC-file, no matter the software, automatically delivers the complete building structure and building elements in Dietrich's (wall, ceiling, roof). These are used directly and may be processed further with all program functions. Even roof centring is generated completely in the scope of the program and will be available in full right after the import.

When importing, the properties of the elements (structures wall/ceiling/roof, windows and doors, installation elements) are recognised and can be interpreted and documented with own settings. This way, the important elements will already have the desired versions and properties without any further rework. You can start to work on the design right away. . This comprehensive import not only enables you as a Dietrich's user to easily process IFC models, but also to bring them into the desired form just be reading them in. Most building values will be input automatically.

IFC-Export is, of course, also possible. Walls with window and door openings, ceilings, roof areas and parts are written out. All building elements will receive their original design in the IFC file and the entire building structure with the floors is preserved. All parts are assigned to the corresponding building element and keep their information (material, designation, rod type).

This high-performance export module prepares the Dietrich's user for smooth cooperation with architects, technical building equippers and all other planners and constructors in the scope of the BIM. Our active membership in the globally active buildingSMART association, which develops BIM, keeps us up to date for you at all times.

The news on BIM/IFC for the current update are available here.

Your benefits with Dietrich's IFC/BIM interface
  • Direct generation of all building elements (wall, ceiling, roof) including openings
  • Assumption of all structures, designs and properties possible
  • Saving the complete building input by importing the entire building structure per IFC
  • All elements are present at once in the scope of the program → direct further use and processing
  • High-performance functions for automatic further processing of all detail information (e.g. wall outlets, line routes or window accessories)
  • Import independent of the planning software
  • Comprehensive export permits complete BIM exchange
  • Smooth cooperation with other planners by export of all required information (materials, building element assignments, component types)
  • IFC technology always up to date by membership in buildingSMART
  • Competent and directly available support
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