Dietrich's Chronology
A success story since 1982
1982 - The Dietrich's story begins
Uwe Emmer (Dipl.-Ing. Construction Industry) took over the further programming of the timber processing software, which by this time had become fairly complex.
The rapid development of PCs soon made it possible to develop graphics oriented dialog programs in the form we know today.
During a trade fair in Munich, a German television channel featured Dietrich's software in a report on innovation in the trade.
1987 - at the trade fair "EUREKA" in Brussels
1993 - DICAM 3D, indroduction of a volume construction program to the market
1999 - Dietrich's conversion to a joint-stock company
Dietrich's, as an established system house, offers an all-encompassing and constant 3D-CAD/CAM-System for the timber construction which meets every requirement for modular construction.
From the planning and construction right through to the work preparation a broad range of applications is available to carpentry and timber construction firms , as well as engineering and architectural companies in the areas of ROOF, WALL and CEILING.